
Nikkei daytrading

I made a nice little gain and Nikkei held 17,000 yen level. Wish we would be equipped with a better tool, though.

I woke up past 11 am. I knew it would be late for a stock market in Tokyo. Nikkei was up & down about yesterday's level. Softbank made a gap-up and started to fall to close a gap soon. It could climb up from there after a lunch break. I watched MLB as usual and Mariners were struggling 7-7 at the bottom of the 9th against Tampa bay. Ichiro was, as usual, nothing but a flop but somehow other players made an effort for 3 runs in the 10th and Hasegawa managed the last two innings with one run allowed. Definitely Athletics are unreachable; Red sox is the one Mariners shouild beat if there's any chance.

After a lunch break, Nekkei wasn't sure itself about whether it should go up or down. Softbank made some rally but at 14:40, it started to break down past a support level. It was more then 200 yen drop in 10 minutes and I scalped some gain from there. It wasn't bad at all and a nice gain for 10 minutes short play. If there'd be a RealTick level device, though, I could manage more than 50% short gain. (Wishful thinking? Maybe.)

With this, I made back-to-back gains, UFJ and Softbank. As I trade in Nikkei more, I feel the brokers in Japan should cater more to the customer by developing efficient and effective trading tools. It may not be only the brokers' blame but also of Nikkei market management and some bureaucrats in the ministry. There's no equivalent of the Realtick. They ask for a password for every order and log off after fixed time inactivity. It's not possible to act quickly when some breakout/downs occur after, say, 1 hour. I have to log in first for the broker's home. That's alone a drag enough. Then , let's say, you want to buy and sell in 3 minute. It may not be possible to act quickly in that time span as they require a designated password to buy and to sell. Remember that the password is designated, provided by the broker, not the one you like. It's hard to remember even for the user as the password is meant to be. Very unfriendly and discouraging system. And they say it's for the benefit of the customers for the security reasons. Well, they should come up with the better system even though proprietary.

Toru-chan, if you ever go to Halifax, try to visit Mr. Furue, an old friend of mine from ICU. I understand he must be sort of everyone-knows Japanese there, who's been there since mid '70s.

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