
My first Halloween

I knew that there'd be a Halloween this friday when I left Tokyo last Tuesday but I wasn't really thinking about it. When Christina told me about it when we were at Kroger for groceries, it was still someone else's job to me.

Then today is a Halloween day and Christina told me again that I'll be the one to open the door for "trick or treat". Then suddenly I was serious and started to wondering how to respond to it. How should I offer candies? How should I greet them? And most of all, do we have enough of candies or too little of them?

Alan wasn't here and Christina left for a dinner. I'm all alone and kids started to bang on the door. I didn't know anything about it so I just stick out the candy  bowls (actually that's full of chocoloates like M&M and Milky Ways) in front of them. Most of kids were kind of shy and took one. I figured then there'd be a ton of candies to be left. I started to hand them more or ask them to pick more than one.  We still had a plenty of them.

Then Alan came home and told me not to let them have more than one. Alan was rigtht. More kids than I started to expect came to pick them up and we were out of them sooner. I learned a lesson. I'd be able to handle it better if I'd lived here. Well, I wasn't

Most of kids are at elementary school ages but some are older than that. Majority wore some sort of costume but some wore none, just ordinary.

Thus at 7:30pm, candies were gone and we had still some knocking on the door if we had turned out the door lights.

It was fun, though. I'd handle them much better if I'd be here next year. 

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